27 juli 2012 — Råttor som fick en ny läkemedelssubstans tappade intresset för alkohol. Nu ska OSU6162 testas på människor. Svenska forskare hoppas få 


Metylfenidat och något som heter OSU6162 eller Aripiprazol. enligt denna boken http://www.litenupplaga.se/1289. Citera; Visa endast 

2021 Jan 20. doi: 10.1007/s00210-021-02053-x. Online ahead of print. (−)-OSU6162 is a dopamine stabilizer that can counteract both hyperdopaminergic and hypodopaminergic states.


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The monoamine stabilizer (−)-OSU6162 (OSU6162) (Sonesson et al, 1994) is a clinically safe compound (Johansson et al, 2012; Khemiri et al, 2015; Kloberg et al, 2014) with the ability to increase The monoamine stabilizer (-)-OSU6162 (OSU6162) (Carlsson et al., 2004, Sonesson et al., 1994), is a further development from (-)-3PPP with the ability to stimulate, suppress or show no effect on the dopamine activity depending on the prevailing dopaminergic tone. (-)-OSU6162 has in preclinical studies been shown to stabilize brain dopaminergic and serotonergic signaling (Carlsson et al., 2011). In short-term double-blind studies, with maximally four weeks’ exposure to active treatment, (-)-OSU6162 has shown a favorable safety and tolerability profile and, in addition, promising therapeu- Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary, incurable neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive loss of frontostriatal integrity.1 Clinically, progressive movement disorder, dementia, and liability for behavioral disturbances and psychosis characterize the disorder. It is well known that dopaminergic drugs modify some clinical features of HD. In this respect, different The (-)-OSU6162 produced pharmacological effects on brain dopamine binding that could be visualized with PET using ["C-methyl]raclopride.However, owing to the lack of in vitro affinity for the dopamine receptor of (-)-OSU6162 itself, it was not possible to localize a specific receptor binding of the radiolabelled tracer.Thanks to Dr. Hasse K Cocaine addiction is a severe mental disorder for which few treatment options are available. The underlying mechanisms include facilitation of monoamine-neurotransmission, particularly dopamine.

2021 — Testresultatet för dopaminstabiliseraren OSU6162 visade liknande det förra preparatet att en del fick en minskad hjärntrötthet.

OSU-6162 är ett delvis svenskutvecklat läkemedel med dopaminstabiliserande effekt. Läkemedlet har visat sig modulera tröskeln för belöningssystemet [1].I tidiga kliniska studier har substansen visat sig ha god effekt mot trötthet efter stroke. [2]

Reports in the literature indicate possible partial D2 receptor agonist effects using various in vitro systems. The monoamine stabilizer (-)-OSU6162 (OSU6162) has the ability to stimulate, inhibit, or show no effect on DA-related behaviors depending upon the prevailing dopaminergic tone. In this thesis, we evaluated the potential of OSU6162 as a new treatment for AUD using validated preclinical models of behaviors related to AUD. (-)-OSU6162 (3 mg/kg), but not aripiprazole, prevented the acquisition of CPP induced by cocaine (15 mg/kg). (-)-OSU6162 exerts a minor effect in reducing cocaine-induced stimulatory activity and context-related memories, which are responsible for triggering drug seeking.


A randomised controlled trial of the monoaminergic stabiliser (−)-OSU6162 in treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome - Volume 30 Issue 3 - Marie Karin Lena Nilsson, Olof Zachrisson, Carl-Gerhard Gottfries, Michael Matousek, Birgitta Peilot, Sara Forsmark, Robert Christiaan Schuit, Maria Lizzie Carlsson, Angelica Kloberg, Arvid Carlsson


Dopaminstabiliseraren OSU6162. Vi har nu i två studier, en pilotstudie och en  28 okt.


Det här öppnar upp enorma perspektiv. Hjärntrötthet är bara början. OSU6162 är en substans som påverkar hjärnans dopaminomsättning på sådant sätt att den trötthet som mycket ofta följer stroke gynnsamt kan påverkas. Studien är dubbelblind, det vill säga att hälften av patienterna får slumpmässigt randomiserat aktiv behandling (OSU6162) eller icke aktiv behandling (placebo).
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Vi har nu i två studier, en pilotstudie och en  28 okt. 2019 — Tillägg av dopamin-stabiliseraren OSU6162 till SSRI-medicinering vid svårbehandlad depression 500 000 kronor.

OSU6162 (PNU-96391) is a dopamine stabilizer, a drug that can stimulate or inhibit dopaminergic signaling depending on the dopaminergic tone. Dopaminergic stabilizers have been proposed to act as partial dopamine receptor agonists or as antagonists with both dopamine and behavioral stabilizing activity. Klinisk studie med OSU 6162 På förmiddagen söndag den 29 april 2012 var det ett inslag om ME på TV4 nyheterna.
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14 okt. 2019 — OSU6162. Jag tar med mig den beteckningen när jag nu går över från PC Jersilds ”Den stökiga psykiatrin” till Roland Janssons 

Jag tar med mig den beteckningen när jag nu går över från PC Jersilds ”Den stökiga psykiatrin” till Roland Janssons  Utvärdering av dopaminstabilisatorn OSU6162 som nytt läkemedel mot alkoholism. Beroende Forskare: Steensland, Pia Karolinska Institutet  Mer forskning behövs innan metylfenidat kan användas mot hjärntrötthet.

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14 juni 2011 — Redan när jag intervjuade Arvid Carlsson 2002 var han missnöjd med hur Pharmacia hade tagit hand om substansen OSU6162. Substansen 

In short-term double-blind studies, with maximally four weeks’ exposure to active treatment, (-)-OSU6162 has shown a favorable safety and tolerability profile and, in addition, promising therapeu- Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary, incurable neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive loss of frontostriatal integrity.1 Clinically, progressive movement disorder, dementia, and liability for behavioral disturbances and psychosis characterize the disorder. It is well known that dopaminergic drugs modify some clinical features of HD. In this respect, different The (-)-OSU6162 produced pharmacological effects on brain dopamine binding that could be visualized with PET using ["C-methyl]raclopride.However, owing to the lack of in vitro affinity for the dopamine receptor of (-)-OSU6162 itself, it was not possible to localize a specific receptor binding of the radiolabelled tracer.Thanks to Dr. Hasse K Cocaine addiction is a severe mental disorder for which few treatment options are available. The underlying mechanisms include facilitation of monoamine-neurotransmission, particularly dopamine. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the monoamine stabilizers, (-)-OSU6162 ((3S)-3-(3-methylsulfonylphenyl)-1-propylpiperidine) and aripiprazole (7-[4-[4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)piperazin-1-yl]butoxy]-3,4 (‐)‐OSU6162 is well tolerated in ME/CFS patients and shows promise as a novel treatment to mitigate fatigue and improve mood and health‐related quality of life in ME/CFS. Obviously, the present results need to be confirmed in future placebo‐controlled double‐blind trials.